Chris Stoesen Fiction: 2015 Year in Review

Monday, January 18, 2016

2015 Year in Review

In many ways, I am very happy to see the end of 2015. It was a very challenging year personally. However, writing wise it was rather exciting for me.

1) Published The Home in August.
2) Published Sharpsburg Sunrise in December.

3) Completed the first draft of the Sequel to CSS Appomattox, The Last Airship from Khartoum.

I also published two short stories on WriteOn.

I looked through my book sales and can sadly note that I offended Amazon by leaving KDP Select in mid February. Things never were quite the same again. But all in all, it was an exciting year. I have sold books in over seven different countries. The UK being the second largest by far.

2016 needs some goals set. First is to finish the editing on Last Airship to Khartoum. I want to release by February. But that means I need to get my act together and edit.

I am starting a new project which will be a historical fiction book on the Battle for Kharkov in 1941. I think I can have this done by summer. Depending on how that turns out, I will either go back to the Devareaux series for the final book or another historical fiction book.