Chris Stoesen Fiction: Potential New Series idea....

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Potential New Series idea....

I am thinking of a new series. Would you be interested if I posted a couple of chapters here to read? Let me know your thoughts.


  1. No problem Chris, I like a little sci-fi but I'm a hard copy weirdo!

    1. I can't deny that I love a book in hand over an ereader. But my issues is that I am too cheap to buy the physical copies when the ebooks are so much more affordable. That and I get grief from the wife over the number of books I already have on hand.

  2. I would love to check out a new possible series. Also if you need any proofreading assistance - I'd be thrilled to volunteer on your advance copies

    1. I would love to have a new set of eyes on things. Please shoot me an email in the contact me on the right and I will add you to the list.
