Chris Stoesen Fiction: May 2024

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Catching up

Apparently I haven't been faithful in updating this. Book 7 was released back in June of 2020. The series has done well. It is wide and selling on Amazon and distributed everywhere else through Draft to Digital. People are still downloading copies of book one and I am very thankful.

I started a new series. I watched a video on the life of Admiral Lee of the US Navy. His role in the Vera Cruz incident in 1914 got me thinking of using that as the basis for the story. Similar to my last series, this will be science fiction. The series would basically be WWI naval operations in space. It will be interesting to see how it goes. I am three chapters in at the moment. I am liking the characters. It is being told as a flashback. The lead character is in a museum and reflects on the events presented in the exhibits. We will see if this goes anywhere.